Celebrating 40 years
L.I.T.S. Limited.
Training and Development for the Engineering Industry
After the EOR202 course I have just completed, I feel so much more confident and knowledgeable about the right things to do as a trainee lift engineer.
I was very nervous about this course but feel very accomplished having completed it. The 1-1 support is fantastic and made all the difference!
EOR 202N: Safe Working on Lifts
Over the years, The Health and Safety Executive cites BS7255:2012 as the Approved Code of Practice that will help to ensure that proper arrangements exist for safe working within any lift well, pit, machinery space or pulley room. In accordance with this Standard, appropriate training should be provided for all relevant persons and their competence should be assessed and certificated to EOR 202N. This on-site course is designed to ensure that employers and operatives meet the recommendations of the HSE and the specific requirements of BS7255.
Who is the course aimed at?
Anyone who at any time may be working on a lift or related equipment, within a lift well, pit, machinery space or pulley room.
Course Format:
The course comprises essential classroom-based theory covering the Health & Safety at Work Act and relevant regulations applicable when working on lifts, along with the basic design and configuration for the range and type of lift equipment. This requires suitable accommodation to support a classroom-based presentation for a maximum of 6 persons. In addition, the on-site practical demonstrations and assessment requires access to the appropriate lift equipment, machine room keys, handwinding notices and equipment, door release keys, lift-out-service signs and entrance guards.
Courses can include covering one or a combination of the following; traditional geared traction lifts, hydraulic lifts, machine room less (MRL) lifts. The type(s) of equipment that the customer would like covered by the course should be identified prior to the course taking place.
It must be noted that should a course attendee go on to work on a type of equipment that is not assessed as part of their course the individual and/or the employer should seek further training and assessment to ensure that they have the necessary competence to carry out the required procedures safely in line with British Standards and the lift industry requirements.
Course Objectives:
At the end of this course, successful delegates will have demonstrated competence in: complying with Statutory Regulations at all times; complying with organisational procedures and policies; following accident and emergency procedures; identifying hazardous situations; evacuating premises safely and using fire fighting equipment; applying safe working practices and procedures; using the correct manual handling techniques; safely operating lifts; recognising and controlling hazards in the workplace; applying the correct and appropriate reporting procedures.
EAL NVQ Unit EOR 202N Certification.
If you would like more information or would like to book a course please contact us.
It was a great experience and I really enjoyed the last two days and I would love to recommend this course to others.
Strong knowledgeable trainer with real experience in the field helped tremendously with showing us where and why certain things would become applicable.
Very clear instruction and attitude to Health & Safety, delivered in a very easy to understand manor